Teachers usually have a gut feeling about their lessons. (Which may swing between commiserating over ice cream and Netflix, or singing to the skies about your new status as an education expert!) What we don’t always do is sit down and identify why a lesson was a success—or bumpy ride.
But why self-assess? Because regular self-evaluation helps teachers identify roads to take next time and shows us how our teaching has improved throughout our careers. Plus, they’re private. Here are some techniques to use any time of year.
Teachers know that a lesson begins before anyone sets foot in the classroom. This is the planning stage; often time-consuming, particularly for new teachers or when teaching an advanced grammar point for the first time. Regular assessment of your planning will show you where you can tweak the process to prepare more efficiently and effectively.
Ask yourself:
Goals direct your planning and the content of your lesson. Later, at a semester or academic year level, they orient this lesson as a part of the bigger picture. Without goals, lessons are wishy-washy—for teachers and students alike.
Ask yourself:
Always remember that some students are more naturally confidence and willing than others. So call on different students and experiment with a variety of classroom techniques that allow more introverted students to participate.
Ask yourself:
Whether working from a coursebook, your own materials or materials from a variety of resources, it’s important to continually evaluate their quality and appropriateness. Ideal materials are designed to expose students to target language, while maintaining a rich, authentic experience. They also align with your goals for the lesson and for the semester as a whole. Sometimes, materials seem more appropriate “on paper” than in a living, breathing classroom situation.
Ask yourself:
Whiteboards, interactive whiteboards, web-based activities, computers and TVs. We all know which we’re most comfortable using—and where we’d like to brand out. Enter: regular evaluation of your use of technology and different tools.
Ask yourself:
We know that evaluating your own teaching can feel very exposing. But we also know that the benefits of regular self-assessment (including more efficient planning, better materials, more effective, enjoyable lessons and super engaged students) are great. So don’t be shy. With regular practice, self-evaluations will feel normal—and your teaching will never have been better.
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