The following links include a variety of publications to help you explore, prepare and apply to CUNY. A modern web browser works best to view these documents or download Adobe Reader® if you prefer to right-click and save them to your computer.
The following publications will help you prepare to submit an online application to CUNY.
Admission Profile for Freshman
Lists the mean academic credentials by college for students accepted into CUNY.
Admission Profile for Transfer
Lists the mean academic credentials by college for students accepted into CUNY.
CUNY Policy on Application Documents
Official CUNY Policy for submitting documents.
CUNY Policy on Academic Integrity
Official CUNY Policy on academic integrity.
International Transcript Request Form for Students Educated Outside the U.S.
Complete this form and submit it to the office responsible for issuing official academic records at the colleges/universities you attended outside the U.S.
International Transcript Request Form for Students Educated Outside the U.S. (Español)
Complete este formulario y preséntelo en la oficina encargada de emitir los certificados académicos oficiales de los institutos de educación superior/universidades en los que estudió fuera de Estados Unidos.
Special Programs Transfer Request Form
For students who wish to transfer between Opportunity Programs such as SEEK/CD or HEOP/EOP. To be completed by the college/program official.
TOEFL/IELTS/PTE/Duolingo Scores
The TOEFL/IELTS score is one of several components evaluated during the admission review; students educated outside the U.S. must also meet the academic requirements as outlined at
The following publications are samples of those used after you have submitted an online application.
Document Translation Guidelines
In order for CUNY to evaluate secondary and postsecondary documents for students educated in non-English speaking countries, applicants must provide an English translation as well as the document in the original language.
Outside Evaluation Services 2024
Applicants educated outside the United States may opt to have their transcripts evaluated by CUNY’s Application Processing Center or to have them evaluated by one of the evaluation services listed above.
English Language Institutes
Provides a listing of programs and locations designed to prepare students educated in non-English speaking countries for college or graduate school.
Financial Aid Award Guide
Provides insight and understanding of your CUNY Financial Aid Award.
Freshman Application Summary Package
Provides a sample of the application summary package each Freshman Applicant receives upon completion of their CUNY online admission application.
Macaulay Honors College Application Summary Package
Provides a sample of the application summary package each Macaulay applicant receives upon completion of their CUNY online admission application.
Transfer Application Summary Package
Provides a sample of the application summary package each Transfer Applicant receives upon completion of their CUNY online admission application.