Juror Qualification Form

Why you received the Form. The Juror Qualification Form is sent to all prospective jurors and is used to help determine whether a person is qualified to be a juror. Jury Offices use the statewide voter registration list and the Motor Vehicle Administration lists of people with driver's licenses or identification cards (and sometimes other lists) to get the names of prospective jurors. These lists are used to make sure that each jury is selected at random from a cross section of the adult Maryland citizens who reside in the county/Baltimore City.

You must return the Form. If you received a Juror Qualification Form, the law requires you to complete it, and return it to the Jury Office, generally within 10 days after you receive it. There are penalties if you lie about an important fact when you complete the Form: you can be fined up to $5,000, sent to jail for up to 30 days, or both. If you do not return the Form as directed, you can be fined up to $1,000, sent to jail for up to 30 days, or both.

How to complete the form. If your county has an online process (those counties and Baltimore City are listed in the window below), you can complete the Form on this page. You can use the online jury system to:

If you received a Form from a county not listed below, or if you prefer not to use the online system, complete the Form by hand, sign it, and return it to the address on the Form.

NOTE: If you want to be excused from jury service because you have a disability, or you want to be exempted because of service in the armed forces or militia or prior jury service, even if you complete your Form online, you must mail documentation supporting your reason for seeking to be excused or exempted. Mail the documentation along with the Form to the address on the Form.

To Complete Your Juror Qualification Form Online:

You will be asked to enter information into the online system.

If you have an overseas address, the address will not be accepted by the online system. You must mail your completed Form to the address listed on the Form.

Click on the court location where you have been summoned for jury service.

Sometimes, despite our best efforts, the online system is not available. We strive to keep the online system available to you at all times. But if you are unable to enter the online system or cannot make the desired changes online, please use another method to contact the Jury Office. Mail the form or changes to the Jury Office address on the Form, or fax to the number given on the Form.

Called to Jury Service by the U.S. District Court?

If you have been summoned for jury duty by the U.S. District Court, this means you have been called to jury service in the federal court in Maryland at either the Baltimore or Greenbelt federal courthouse. For more information about jury service in the U.S. District Court, please contact the U.S. District Court toll-free at 1-866-277-3073 or visit the court's website. Please note that the U.S. District Court of Maryland is part of the federal judiciary and is separate from the District Court of Maryland, which is part of the Maryland state judiciary.